Judges, Lawyers, and Legal Technologists
CLCT is a leader in educating and training legal professionals on matters related to courtroom technology. We offer theoretical and practical courses along with courtroom technology training, both through traditional classroom instruction in our on-campus programs, to current high school students through summer courses, and online through our eLearning program.
We regularly hosts conferences on the subject of legal technology, including the Privacy Conference and our annual Court Affiliates Conference. In addition, we can offer court technologist training courses including the latest focusing on digital audio/video.
Law-Related Education for Non-Lawyers: From High School to Corporate Executives

Due to high demand, we recently expanded our program for high school and college students wanting to learn more about the legal system. In addition to Intro to Law, Intro to Evidence and Intro to Torts, we now offer other short programs including Intro to Artificial Intelligence & the Law, Intro to Contract Law and Intro to Negotiations among others.
These are also available for non-lawyer adults, including company executives on special request.