Our updated and redesigned Fundamentals of AV course will take place March 12-14, 2025, in Williamsburg, VA. The purpose of this course is to help prepare court staff for the increased technological demands of updated 21st century courtrooms. The Fundamentals of Audio Video in Courts course will prepare you for more intensive technology training offered by the various manufacturers of audio video technology and to provide you with basic knowledge of audio/video systems and how to interface with them in a court environment.
Learn directly from Martin Gruen, a 40-year veteran of the A/V industry. Mr. Gruen is the Deputy Director Emeritus for CLCT and the Managing Member of Martin E. Gruen Consulting, LLC. Additionally, Mr. Gruen is a national expert in court-related high-technology legal uses. As founder and president of Applied Legal Technologies, Mr. Gruen designed many of the nation’s state-of-the-art court technology installations and has served as a consultant to several major legal technology manufacturers.
Curriculum soon to come. Click HERE to learn more.